Thursday, November 1, 2007

Haiku Poetry

It's time for me to go milk my goats. We have 175 dairy goats who are milkers and about another 100 or so yearling does who will start milking this coming March. It gets pretty hectic around here when the kidding season starts in late January! We are expecting about 500 baby goats, or "kids" to be born! Here is a photo of our daughter with some of last year's little kids!
Hi and welcome to Janilou's Corner! :-) I love to write about all kinds of things including my faith in God, my children, my life on a dairy goat farm and fictions stories about just about everything!
I wrote the following poem the other day. It is a haiku - a form of Japanese poetry which has three lines of 5/7/5 syllables and should contain two lines of concrete imagery and one final line of insight.

Seahorse Sky

beneath buttered clouds

seahorses of the sky float

God's palette revealed

I was inspired to write this poem after seeing a beautiful photograph of birds flying across an aqua blue sky underneath golden clouds. You can see the original photo and my poem together here:

FanStory is a great place to visit if you like to write, and they have lots of great contests! There is a ranked writing system and I am the Number 3 Short Story Author right now! My name is Janilou on that site too - keeps it simple for me.
Please come by again soon!

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